The Floor, a brand-new quiz show hosted by Rob Lowe, premieres on FOX on January 2, 2024. The game show, which has a massive cash reward and a combination of trivia questions and physical challenges, is created by the same person who brought us Big Brother and The Voice.
Continue reading for additional information about The Floor, such as the game’s guidelines and the amount of money that the participants may earn.
How does The Floor work?
The competition will feature timed quiz duels between the competitors on a huge LED floor divided into 100 squares, each of which will represent a distinct genre or area of expertise (such as “horror movies”). For the quiz duel, a primary challenger will be chosen at random and given the option to choose from among their nearby rivals. The opponent’s category will be the topic of discussion during the battle. The victorious player will assume control of the defeated player’s square, enabling them to extend their own domain on the board, while the defeated player will be regretfully dismissed from the game.
After then, the victor can either terminate their turn or engage in another combat with the aim of taking over another square. If the turn ends, The Floor will select its next challenger, er, victim, and so on until only one player remains, having gained control of the entire floor. Now that the name is clearer, doesn’t it?
How many contestants play in an episode of The Floor?
A staggering 81 competitors will compete on The Floor in an attempt to become the trivia expert who rules the floor. Trivia duels will pit two competitors against one another at a time. There will only be one winner of the grand prize in the end.
What do contestants win on The Floor?
Each episode of The Floor will have 81 players battling for the chance to take home a $250,000 prize. That’s some seriously transformative cash!
Who hosts The Floor?
Rob Lowe, a beloved actor, is the host and producer of The Floor on FOX. Lowe had previously hosted Mental Samurai for two seasons on the network, from 2019 to 2022. This is not his first attempt at hosting an unscripted series.
“The Floor combines every element needed to create a hit game show: a proven global format built on spectacle and suspense, pedigree producers in Talpa and Eureka, and a superstar host with universal appeal in Rob Lowe, who brilliantly ties the entire show together,” said FOX Entertainment’s President of Unscripted Programming, Allison Wallach, regarding the West Wing actor’s involvement. We know that fans of all ages will find this to be an exciting, gripping battle thanks to Rob’s mastery of the concept.
What is the release date of The Floor?
FOX’s The Floor will debut on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, at 9 p.m. ET. Weekly airings of subsequent episodes will take place on Tuesday nights.
Is there a trailer for The Floor?
Yes, there really is, and you can see it right here. The Floor’s host, Rob Lowe, introduces the teaser by calling it “the most epic game show ever created.” We get a sneak peek at a few of the trivia categories that the competitors will face, like “cereal” and “bugs.” The fact that a competitor has a larger claim on the floor—and a larger target on their back—the more duels they win is another point the trailer highlights. It appears that the competition will be accompanied by some drama in this series!
How to watch The Floor
Beginning on January 2, 2024, The Floor will air on FOX on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET. The next day, fans will be able to stream the episodes on Hulu.