Police claim they have videotaped a lady throwing a “first date” stone through the glass of her ex-husband’s Florida house, leading to her arrest.
The Lee County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) posted video on Facebook on Tuesday, January 28, that purportedly showed 34-year-old Sabrina Coyne throwing the building debris at a Bonita Springs house. The 2000 hit song “It Wasn’t Me” by Shaggy and Rik Rok played in the background as officers uploaded the doorbell camera footage, which was taken four days earlier.
“A 34-year-old woman is behind bars for throwing a ‘first date’ brick through a Bonita Springs residence window,” the police captioned the video.
“Deputies located Sabrina Coyne outside of the residence after the homeowner says they woke up to a loud crash and banging on the front door,” said the sheriff’s office.
“Coyne was arrested for criminal mischief & throwing a deadly missile into an occupied dwelling,” police stated.
The suspect was freed on Sunday, January 26 after posting bond, which was $2,500 for the criminal mischief charge and $5,000 for the weapon offense charge, according to online LCSO arrest records.
Police have released video footage showing an officer approaching the woman and posing the question, “What’s going on? Who’s hammering on here, you?
“Yeah I’m trying to get in touch with my ex-husband…” she replied, claiming, “I banged on the door because he wouldn’t let me in!”
“Do you live here?” The suspect replied, “Yes!” as the officer asked, and the word “Wrong!”—ostensibly inserted by the police—flagged up on the screen.
The woman insisted, “No,” as the camera panned to footage of her hurling what looked like a brick. “Did you launch anything in there?” the officer inquired.
She said to the cops, “Officer, officer, I did not break the window!” “I didn’t break the window, I did not break the window!”As stated in the comment, the film featured a commemorative brick bearing the date June 14, 2020, which appeared to be a reference to the couple’s first date. The victim’s name was not verified by the police.
According to an LCSO representative,they had no new information. On February 24, the suspect is anticipated to appear in court.